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Outlaws of the Wild West

Real-life outlaws of the Wild West These infamous criminals lived in America in the 1800s. They robbed banks, hijacked trains and had bloody shoot-outs

Butch Cassidy

Wanted for robbing trains and bank as well as horde and cattle theft
From: Circleville,Utah
Cowboy by trade and leader of the Wild Bunch Gang,Lat spotted escaping with a sack of gold alongside his accomplice,The Sundace Kid

Billy The Kid

Wanted for the murder of 21 men,stealing horses and cattle and escaping jail
From:Lincoln City,New Mexico
With a handsome face and smart clothes this man may look friendly,but beware..he carries a pistol and is a cold blooded killer.

John Wesley Hardin

Wanted for killing 42 men
From: Bonham,Texas
This thieving outlaw is arrived with a gun and will kill anyone who stands in his way.Most wanted for shooting the town's Deputy Chief

Jesse James

Wanted for 8 banks robberies,8 train robberies and the murder of innocent citizens
From:Clay Country,Missouri
Leader of the most feared gang og outlaws the Wild West has ever known Last seen jumping from a train after robbing the passengers

Belle Starr

Wanted for horse and cattle theft harbouring outlaws and selling stolen goods
The bandit queen has made an ungodly living planning robberies and hiding criminals at her farm,Do not be fooled by her beauty

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ANCIENT ROME: The Roman chariot

How fast was a Roman chariot? 
These horse-drawn carriages were used by the Romans for war and racing over 2,000 years ago. Racing chariots were super fast!

Experts have guessed that these racing carriages would speed around a Roman stadium at up to 50 kilometres per hour. That’s the speed that modern cars travel around town at! They were able to work this out because they know how fast horses are, how heavy the chariots were and how long the racetracks were.

The chariots soldiers used were strong and heavy. Racing chariots were built from wood and woven sticks, so they were much lighter and faster. Charioteers had to be skilled drivers, as the tracks were sandy and had tight corners. This meant that deadly crashes between contestants could happen easily.

The Roman name for chariot pulled by two horses. Quadrigae had four horses

The riders were protected by leather helmets and shin pads. They wore coloured team tunics and held a whip and a knife.

Horses were bred especially for the races. There were two-horse chariots, like this one, and four-horse chariots, which were even faster!

Chariots were made as lightweight and agile as possible to help cornering and speed. They were built out of wood.

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