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 For millions of people this was their first ever home computer games/console
1.Pac-Man:Pac-Man was adapted from an arcade game. It involves using the joystick to move Pac-Man through a maze. The object is to eat as many pac-dots as possible while avoiding ghosts

2.Pitfall!:Created by David Crane, a former employee of Atari who cofounded Activision. You have to make Harry run and jump through jungles to grab gold and diamonds.
3.Missile Command:Another arcade game ported to the 2600, here you command missiles and protect yourself fromattacks in the war between the planets Zardon and Krytol
4.Demon Attack:Programmed for the 2600 by Rob Fulop – who cofounded Imagic and PF Magic flying demons come from the sides of the screen to attack you on the planet Krybor.
5. ET: The Extra-Terrestrial:The aim of the game is to get ET to collect parts of an interplanetary telephone,so that he can phone home.You then have to race to catch a spaceship.

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