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IMAX cinemas milestone

The IMAX system uses 70mm film, with 15 perforations per frame that runs horizontally rather than vertically through the cinema projector. It is ten times larger than standard 35mm film. That means huge 109kg cameras are needed to film IMAX movies.They can only shoot three minutes’ worth of film at a time and take 20 minutes to reload. IMAX cinemasemploy a two-ton projector with a 15,000 watt lamp and a vacuum system to keep the fi lm in alignment with the lens. The IMAX screen is far
larger than a normal screen and is positioned in the cinema to maximise audience field of view. It has a specialcoating of silver paint to enhance the brightness of the picture, and has thousands of perforations to allowsound to pass through it. Furthermore, each film has a specially mastered soundtrack that is compatible with the IMAX digital audio cinema system, so that each spectator enjoys clear and realistic sound as well as pictures


1  The Dark Knight Released in 2008, this is the first major Hollywood movie to include sequences filmed by IMAX cameras.They amount to 30 minutes of screen time.

2  Superman Returns The first live-action
movie to have sequences of it converted from
the normal 2D format to IMAX 3D format.
 20 minutes is in 3D when viewers are cued
 to put on their 3D glasses.

 3  Polar Express This is the world’s first
 IMAX 3D Hollywood movie. It was digitally
 remastered from the original 2D film. IMAX
is now developing special 3D cameras for
 future live action releases.

4  The Matrix Revolutions This was the first
Hollywood blockbuster to be simultaneously
released in conventional and IMAX theatres.
The action sequences especially benefi ted from
being converted into this high resolution format.

 5  Apollo 13 In 2002, the new IMAX DMR
technology is used for the fi rst time to digitally
remaster this conventional format Hollywood movie
 into the IMAX format. It was rebranded as Apollo
13: The IMAX Experience .

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