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Handheld gaming has endured a rocky history

The history of portable gaming
Handheld gaming has endured a rockyhistory. Here we take a look at thedevices that
stood out and those that fell by the wayside…

The Atari Lynx was the world’s first colour portable gaming system, but its reign was soon
 eclipsed by the legendary
1991 was all about the Sega Game Gear, which managed to become the trendy
 must-have item long before portable technology became fashionable.
The Game Boy Color took many years to reach the masses, but sold by the bucketload.
 Even the hard-to-see screen did not deter the gaming community.
Nokia wanted a piece of the action and launched N-Gage which was an abject commercial 
and consumer failure. It never did recover enough ground to remain viable.
The Nintendo DS demonstrated the company’s ambitions in the portable 
gaming market and was an instant smash.
The Sony PSP proved that powerful console gaming was possible in a handheld device
and received praise from critics.
The iPhone was never purely a games console, but quickly became a foe to Nintendo and
Sony, and has hurt sales from both companies.
The PSP Go is Sony’s attempt to shore up the flagging PSP range. It’s had limited
success to date.

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