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The Real Transformers: Massive Mining Machines

  • BIGGEST DRAGLINE : Bucyrus 8750                           

  •   This massive drag line can clear football pitch-sized spaces right before your eyes
The Statistics                  
  •  Bucyrus 8750
  • Built by: Bucyrus
  • Overall length: 140m
  •  Width: 39m
  •  Overall height: 80m

  • BIGGEST  HAUL TRUCK: Liebherr T282C

  • This supertruck is the biggest of its kind in the world – a monster mining truck no mine can defeat
  • The T282C has a payload  of up to 400 tons
The Statistics
  • Liebherr T282C
  • Built by: Liebherr
  • Length: 15.7m
  • Width: 8.7m
  • Height: 8.3m
  • Weight: 266 tons
  • Total vehicle weight:
  • 666 tons (fully loaded)
  • BIGGEST WHEEL LOADER : LeTourneau L-2350
  •   These ‘worker ants’ are often seen on building sites
The Statistics
  • LeTourneau L-2350
  • Built by: LeTourneau
  • Length: 20.9m
  • Width: 7.6m
  • Height: 6.4m cabin height,
  • bucket max lift 13.9m

  • BIGGEST HYDRAULIC LOADERS :Terex (now Bucyrus) RH400
  • Everything about the Bucyrus hydraulic excavator is huge – 
  • as you’d imagine of something that weighs nearly 1,000 tons!
  • Low speed,
  • high power
  • The maximum speed of the RH400 is 2.2km/h (1.37mph); it can, however, generate a maximum tractive force of 4,140kN…
The Statistics
  • Terex RH400
  • Built by: Bucyrus
  • Length: 10.98m
  • Width: 8.6m
  • Height: 9.99m

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