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World Most Thrilling Roller Coasters

Roller coasters :They strike fear into many, but we still love them! Here, we detail the engineering achievement that is the roller coaster

Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi  
Opened in 2010, Ferrari World is home to the world’s fastest roller coaster. Formula Rossa has a top speed of nearly 240km/h (150mph) and riders have to wear safety goggles.
 Kingda Ka, New Jersey
This ‘Strata coaster’ is not only the tallest (139m/456ft), it also has the biggest drop (127m/418ft), and before Formula Rossa opened it was also the fastest in operation.
Steel Dragon 2000,  Nagashima, Japan
For sheer length of thrill, this one tops the lot with a runninglength of 2,479m (8,133ft).
 Hopefully you won’t decide you hate it after the first twist.
Colossus,Thorpe Park, UK
A combination of loop, double corkscrew, heartline roll,cobra roll and quad heartline roll hand this ride has a record number of inversions.
Ring Racer, Nurburgring, Germany
Running parallel to the famed German racetrack, this goes from 0-217km/h (0-135mph)
in 2.5 seconds! That’s way beyond any road car.

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