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Longest-Lived Vertebrates in History

10 Polar Bear: Ursus Maritimus 
42 years ‘Debbie’ died at  Assiniboine Zoo in Winnipeg in 2008.

09 Goldfish :Carassius Auratus Auratus 
43 years tish died in north yorkshire in 1999.

08 Cow :Bos Primagenius 
48 years ‘Big Bertha’ died three months before her  49th birthday.

07 Horse :Equus Ferus Caballus 
51 years the liver chestnut  stallion named shayne died in essex in 2013.

06 Asian Elephant :Elephas Maximus
86 years lin Wang or  ‘Grandpa lin’ died in taipei Zoo in 2003.

05 Blue and Yellow Macaw Ara Ararauna 
104 years churchill reputedly owned the macaw named charlie.

04 Tuatara :Sphenodon Punctatus
115 years old Henry, a tuatara in new Zealand, became a father at the age of 111 in 2009.

03 Bowhead Whale :Balaena Mysticetus 
211 years 200-year-old spears have been found in some bowheads

02 Koi Fish :Cyprinus Carpio Haema- Topterus 
226 years the oldest-known koi,  called Hanako, died in 1977

01 Aldabra Giant Tortoise :Aldabrachelys gigantea                 
Oldest individual recorded:255 years
Adwaita was a male tortoise reputedly given to Robert Clive in the 18th century. in around 1876 it was transferred to the Alipore Zoo in Kolkata, where it lived until its death in 2006. Adwaita’s age cannot be definitively confirmed; the longestlived reptile for which an age has been verified was Tu’i Malila, a radiated tortoise reputedly given to the Tongan royal family by Captain Cook in 1777, and which died in 1965 at the age of 188.

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