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Super Oversized Animals

Largest Insect 
Goliath Beetle Goliathus spp. 60-110mm, 100g

Largest mammal  (and largest animal ever)
Blue whale  Balaenoptera musculus 30m, 170 tonnes Larger than any prehistoric giant, the blue whale would dwarf the largest known dinosaur, Argentinosaurus, which weighed a ‘mere’ 80 tonnes or so.

Largest fish Whale shark 
Rhincodon typus 12.65m, 21.5 tonnes

Largest amphibian 
Chinese giant salamander andrias davidianus 2m, 30kg

Largest carnivore 
Southern  elephant seal Mirounga leonina 3m, 4 tonnes

Largest Land Mammal 
African elephant Loxodonta africana 7.5m, 6 tonnes

Largest reptile 
Saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus 6.7m, 2 tonnes

Largest snake
Green anaconda eunectes murinus 6.6m, 70kg

Largest Dinosaur
Argentinosaurus estimated to be 30-35m long, 80-100 tonnes

Largest Bird 
Ostrich struthio camelus 2.1-2.8m, 145kg

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