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The 10 Busiest Airport

10 Hong Kong International Airport

 Chek Lap Kok,  Hong Kong 61,287,045 passengers in 2012

09 Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, USA

61,408,414 passengers in 2012

08 Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, France

62,974,437 passengers in 2012

07 O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, USA

68,007,716 passengers in 2013

06 Los Angeles International Airport, USA

68,373,700 passengers in 2012

05 Dubai International Airport, UAe

68,915,702 passengers in 2014

04 Tokyo International Airport

70,366,151 passengers in 2014

03 London Heathrow Airport

72,968,534 passengers in 2014

02 Beijing Capital International Airport, China

84,178,434 passengers in 2014

01 Atlanta International Airport, USA

94,630,445 passengers in 2014

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